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Coolidge scholarship 2022

Coolidge scholarship

Coolidge scholarship

That excitement that surges in you the minute you know you wouldn’t have to worry about tuition fees, room, board, and books for the number of years you’ll spend in the university is one you get when you apply for the Coolidge scholarship in any accredited school of your choice.

The scholarship is Colorblind, need-blind, and gender-blind. That is, there’s a high percentage of you obtaining the scholarship when you apply as long as your merits are high!


You’ll learn about how to apply for the Coolidge scholarship, the requirements for smooth application, and other details concerning the scholarship.

What is the Coolidge scholarship about?

The Coolidge Scholarship is one of the best scholarship programs that last for four(4) whole years of your undergraduate study.

It was founded by the son of the president in 1960. Surprisingly, that was the birthplace of the president of the United States; President Coolidge.

President Coolidge was one of the early pioneers of civil rights in the US.


Coolidge scholars who are part of the finalist jury are interviewed by the applicants that qualify for the final phase of the Coolidge Scholarship on an authorized weekend hosted by the Coolidge historic site in Vermont.

What are the Requirements for the  Coolidge scholarship?

The following are the required criteria you need to meet for your Coolidge scholarship application to be approved.


You must apply during your third year of study in high school

A high chance of you getting the scholarship would be when you apply in your final year in high school. This would show the depth of your seriousness.

You must be a resident of one of the eligible 17 States in the US authorized by the education department, US

Mississippi, New Mexico, California, etc. are but a few of the eligible 17 states that were authorized.

You must be a brilliant academic student with high merits in school

One who is not easily weighed down by the pressure of other excellent students; can maintain that merit no matter what happens, and can think beyond average.

You must not be a close relative to any of the Coolidge staff

This is to maintain fairness and avoid a situation where an applicant feels he was cheated because he didn’t have a close relative to help in getting the scholarship.


You must live in the US as a permanent resident

When you are called for an interview, it would only make sense if you lived in the same country where you are applying for the Coolidge scholarship. That way, going over would be easier.


How much is the Coolidge scholarship worth?

The Coolidge scholarship covers your tuition, room, and board fees. You’ll be paid an annual allowance that would take care of the books you’ll need, including other materials.

Also, an award worth $5000 would be allotted to applicants who weren’t selected as the winner of the Coolidge scholarship program but qualified for the final phase.

Furthermore, the 100 participants that emerge as the best 100 for the Coolidge scholarship would be requested for participation in the Coolidge senators program.

Likewise, this Coolidge senators program usually includes a fully-funded weekend summit that would be held in Washington D.C. A $1000 award is not left out!


How to apply for the Coolidge Scholarship?

Below are the procedures for applying for the Coolidge scholarship program.

  1. The applicant’s last name and initial name must be included in the first sentence of the letter by the guarantor.
  2. The applicant’s full name and affiliation must be included at the end of the letter.
  3. The details of your timeframe, capabilities, and how your guarantor knows you must be provided.
  4. The letter must be clear and concise with comprehensive details of the reasons for your being the perfect candidate fitted for the Coolidge scholarship program.
  5. 1,200 words are the maximum number of words for your letter.
  6. A Microsoft word file or adobe pdf file is the format for sending your letter.

Steps your guarantor should stick to when submitting your letter of recommendation. Viz:

What are the processes involved in the Coolidge Scholarship application? 

They are;

This is the period when eligible applicants apply for the Coolidge scholarship.

10 selected finalists are flown down to Plymouth notch, Vermont with their parents to get to know them better.

They are allowed to interview the Coolidge finalist jury.

Here, the 10 finalists come up with a wonderful essay and produce answers to the questions that were set.

The 10 finalists are interviewed by the chairman, trustee, and other members of the finalist jury in this stage. They are expected to answer intelligently with broad thinking ability.


The 10 finalists mingle with policymakers, governors, mayors, business leaders, and other successful individuals that started just like these 10 finalists.


The 10 finalists after meeting and getting acquainted with one another leave for their respective states to wait for the decision of the finalists’ jury.


Only 3 out of the 10 finalists are contacted to be given the good news about being selected by the Coolidge scholarship program. Yay!!! 3 of the finalists are selected for the full ride four (4) year scholarship.


The Coolidge scholarship program is something you need to consider especially if you are the kind of student that goes the extra mile academically!

To apply Now, click on the link below to get started.

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